
16750 and 20403 

Who are we?

Our goal is to help our community by educating students for jobs in the 21st century. We teach students skills such as engineering, programming, problem solving, teamwork, business management, and fundraising. Our teams have 26 members, and 2019 was our rookie year. We are planning various outreach STEM activities for the Bellevue community. 

What is FIRST?

FIRST, or For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology, is a national organization dedicated to helping students discover the magic of science and technology. 

FIRST has several programs, including FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC), a high-school and Middle School level program where different teams compete and cooperate with each other. Every year there is a different Challenge/ Game. After the game is revealed, we only have nine weeks and a few days to work on the robot. These nine weeks are known as "Build Season".  After Build Season, our team goes to competitions, where many different teams compete and work together to win matches and awards. 

What is Our Mission?

Our mission is to learn science and engineering principles through participation in FIRST Tech Challenge and to create a strong, sustainable, and active FIRST hub in our community. We will do this by utilizing our ever-growing network of teams, mentors, and volunteers to spread the benefits of FIRST. We strive to make an inclusive and diverse community and create an environment of Gracious Professionalism. 

Thank you to our sponsors!